High Blood Pressure
The natural healing force within each of us is the greatest force in getting well.”
‘’It’s one of the best things I’ve ever done. It’s brought a great awareness around what I need to do to improve my health and hopefully add several years into my life by practicing a healthier way of living.”
Personalized Solutions
Healthy Vegan Kitchen
Mental Wellness Support
Natural Therapies
Healing Environment
Medical Experience

- Smoking
- Drinking too much alcohol.
- Certain chronic conditions
- Thickened, narrowed or torn blood vessels in the eyes
- Metabolic syndrome
- Dementia
- Diet plan -> Reduce sodium in your diet!
- Exercising regularly
- Loosing Weight
- Stopping Smoking
- Adopting a more active and healthier lifestyle
- Limiting the amount of alcohol
- Cutting back on caffeine
- Reducing the stress
During our programs you will consume alkalizing plants such as spinach, celery and cucumber throughout the day. Since your body will not be burdened with digestion, it will use its energy to repair, renew and heal.
A stay at one of TheLifeCo Centers will help you deal with Hypertension in various ways such as:
- Regulating blood pressure levels
- Cleansing the veins, organs and tissues
- Supporting the liver
- Developing a healthy diet
- Increasing physical activity
- Reaching a balanced weight
- Managing stress
- Adopting a cleaner lifestyle
Colon Hydrotherapy
A mini detox in itself, colon hydrotherapy is recommended at least once during the detox program. This treatment does not only help you to purify the undissolved or undigested food remnants on the intestinal wall but also improves intestinal functions.
Wheatgrass Enema
In order to strengthen the gut flora quickly and easily, this highly alkaline wheatgrass juice and probiotic (beneficial bacteria) mixture is applied as an enema from rectum the by a nurse.
Coffee Enema
This is recommended mostly for headaches during the detox and for liver cleansing purposes. It also increases energy and regulates mood swings.
Anti Fatigue Protocol
If you feel tired, reluctant and sluggish in spite of getting enough sleep and rest, then this protocol is for you. If you wake up tired, impatient, with low motivation in the mornings and go to bed feeling restless, have poor quality sleep, this protocol may help you break through this vicious circle.
Liver Support Protocol
Liver, also known as the source of energy, can be harmed by various factors like stressful lifestyle, unbalanced eating habits, free radicals, environmental and physical toxins. This protocol aims to decrease the stress on the liver, increases its detoxification capability, enhances cell regeneration and supports proper functioning.
Immune Support Protocol
This protocol is composed of a high amount of minerals and vitamins that will help the immune system work properly, give a boost, prevent disease and provide the body with a long-lasting resistance.
Breathing Therapy
We lose our physical and emotional health due to our restricted breathing and thinking habits and blockages in the cellular memory carried from the past to today. A deep and open breath can clean the negative energy held at all levels of the cellular memory and bring about a mental and emotional transformation.
With an expert personal trainer, the fitness programme aims to improve body condition, increases oxygen intake and capacity, decreases stress levels and teaches you about healthy exercising.