BE active with Elisabeth Pulker
October 2022, from Friday 7th until Sunday 9th Grüau im Almtal
Pilates, breath and feldenkrais®, hiking….
Arrival 07.10.2022 at 4pm – Departure 09.109.2022 at 4 pm

Following services are included:
Friday: 17.30 – 18.30 Pilates later dinner
Saturday: 30 Minutes Breath prior to breakfast
Saturday morning: Hiking to Ameisenalm and lunch
Saturday evening: 100 Minutes Feldenkrais®
Sunday: Pilates, later breakfast and hiking
Price: Grünau im Almtal for the program is € 280 per person.
160,-Euro for 2 nights in double room, BB (20 Euros for single room)
120, – Euro Euro 4 Training units with Elisabeth
Including accomodation, breakfast and the program.
Please bring your matt and comfortable clothes for sport
Accomodation: JUFA Hotel Almtal
Price: Croatia Pasman Island for the program is € 280 per person.
Pilates is a holistic training for intensive strengthening and mobilization of the entire body. By tensioning the deep abdominal, back and pelvic floor muscles, the so-called powerhouse, the trunk is stabilized and thus focused on the center of the body. Pilates exercises increase coordination and strength and improve posture. Endurance and body awareness are strengthened in order to prevent back pain in particular and enable pain-free movements again. Suitable for everyone who appreciates powerful training.
Die Macht des gezielten Atems Hypopressive Atemtechnik dient der Verbesserung der Beckenboden-muskulatur, der Bauchmuskulatur sowie der Haltung und des allgemeinen Wohlbefindens. „Der Atem als Bindeglied deines Körpers mit dem Unterbewusstsein. Erlerne und trainiere die Macht deiner Atmung, denn eine größere Macht kannst Du nicht nutzen!
Feldenkrais® method is based on early childhood movement sequences. By changing the neurocortex and relearning ergonomic movements, pain and stress in everyday life are avoided.
Reservation Inquiry
If you would like to make an inquiry, please fill the reservation form. Once you submit the form, we will get in touch with you and inform you about our program.
You can address your additional questions in the note box. Our reservation team will assist you to pick the right program.