Make your life a
beautiful experience
beautiful experience
Next POWER CHALLENGE is coming …
Become more focused on your goals and the things that are important to you…Gain the power you need... take control over your life.
A well-balanced Immune System
Exercises & activities to reduce stress, information about nutrition and immune system
21 day Challenge – transforming our minds and bringing joy back into our lives by Tenzin
Welcome to the first of a series of 21 day challenges! Developing Awareness. Time zone independent.
Online Studio
Kundalini, Hatha, Yin, Menopause Yoga. Buddhist, Korean and Hawaiian meditation techniques, pilates, feldenkrais®, retreats, mindfulness for kids ....
Active Trips
"Once a year you should visit a place you've never been." Dalai Lama
Retreats & Programs
Wellbeing, Yoga, Mindful walks, Relaxation, Surf, Meditation
Movement Meditation – Arts of Taiji (MM) mit Kwang-Jin
Movement Meditation - Arts of Taiji is a form of movement based on various forms of Taiji and Qigong movement.
Mindfulness Meditation + Feldenkrais®
German / English - Around 20/30 min. for meditation and 3. min. for Feldenkrais® – ANYTIME - ANYWHERE available under VIDEOS
Restorative and Fascia Yoga by Silke
is a restful practice that is all about slowing down and opening your body through passive stretching. Live Class + Video. Stay time zone independent.
Kundalini, Yin, Yinyasa, Restorative and Face Yoga by Eda
English / German -Tuesdays at 8pm - Thursdays at 9 am -90 min. - Yin Yoga Fridays at 09.00 - 60 min. and private classes upon inquiry

Become mindful and stay mindful