Next POWER CHALLENGE is coming ...
by Zoi Georgie contact us for more information
Become more focused on your goals and the things that are important to you…Gain the power you need... take control over your life.

A well-balanced Immune System
How to bring your immune system naturally into balance?
Exercises & activities to reduce stress, information about nutrition and immune system

21 day Challenge – transforming our minds and bringing joy back into our lives by Tenzin
Starting your day
Welcome to the first of a series of 21 day challenges! Developing Awareness. Time zone independent.

Online Studio
Kundalini, Hatha, Yin, Menopause Yoga. Buddhist, Korean and Hawaiian meditation techniques, pilates, feldenkrais®, retreats, mindfulness for kids ....

Movement Meditation - Arts of Taiji (MM) mit Kwang-Jin
Kigong, Taiji, Aikodp, Achtsamkeit, Mindfull, breath, Atem, harmonie
Movement Meditation - Arts of Taiji is a form of movement based on various forms of Taiji and Qigong movement.

Mindfulness Meditation + Feldenkrais®
Kigong, Taiji, Aikodo, Achtsamkeit, Mindfull, breath, Atem, harmonie
German / English - Around 20/30 min. for meditation and 3. min. for Feldenkrais® – ANYTIME - ANYWHERE available under VIDEOS

Restorative and Fascia Yoga by Silke
Restorative Yoga, relaxation, immune system
is a restful practice that is all about slowing down and opening your body through passive stretching. Live Class + Video. Stay time zone independent.

Kundalini, Yin, Yinyasa, Restorative and Face Yoga by Eda
Kundalini, Yin, Yinyasa and Menopause Yoga
English / German -Tuesdays at 8pm - Thursdays at 9 am -90 min. - Yin Yoga Fridays at 09.00 - 60 min. and private classes upon inquiry

Hatha Yoga - Amardas.at
Hatha Yoga
German/English - Tuesdays – 60 Min. – at 6 pm Vienna / 8 pm Istanbul - Thursdays 90 Min. – at 6 pm Vienna / 8 pm Istanbul. Time zone independent.

Private session with Tenzin
English - On inquiry - Transform your life through private sessions with Tenzin

SPINE Therapy with Renata
Spine muscles, knots and tights elimination and relaxation
English - private sessions upon inquiry

Tea Meditation by Kwang-Jin
Tee-meditation, Achtsamkeit
Korean Tea Meditation (KTM) is a form of meditation in which you consciously perceive and strengthen your five senses.

Energy Medicine Yoga by Margarita
Chi, Pranayam
Private session upon inquiry. Monday 7am. In this training you will be introduced you to a daily routine and share more advanced practices to enhance energy flow, build balance and flexibility and how to reduce anxiety.

Yin, Vinyasa and Menopause Yoga by Renata
Yin, Vinyasa, Hatha and Menopause Yoga
English - English - private classes upon inquiry

Isha Upa-Yoga designed by Sadhguru
Isha Upa-Yoga designed by Sadhguru
English - Isha Upa-Yoga designed by Sadhguru - For free anytime

Feldenkrais® by Amalia
"my curiosity about what actually means being a human started my journey towards awareness..."

Kundalini Frauenyoga - Amardas.at
Kundalini Frauenyoga
German/English - 90 Min. - Wednesday – 6 pm Vienna / 8 pm Istanbul. Time zone independent.

Kundalini Yoga - Amardas.at
German/English - 90 Min. - please check the time schedule. Time zone independent.

Vinyasa Yoga by Katharina
German & English - Coming back soon. Recordings/videos are available.

Pilates by Johanna
English - 60 Min. - private classes

Meditation by Lothar
Hawaiian healing meditations. German & English- Time zone independent as recording / video available.